You don't appreciate fresh air until you have an evil city council that makes you breathe smoky air every day.
4:30 PM: No wood smoke. 72 degrees, sunny, cool, beautiful weather.
5:15 PM: Faint grass smoke for a few minutes. Then it was gone.
7:00 PM: No wood smoke yet.
8:00 PM: No wood smoke.
9:00 PM: No wood smoke where we live. Wood smoke everywhere else. It did not take long to find smoky, polluted air tonight. Starting from east to west.

1) Light to moderate wood smoke in the area by the parking lot on the eastern edge of Silver Lake at Park Row & 20th Ave. It was faintly smoky all along the south shore of the lake. The wood smoke was strongest here. I could not find the source of the wood smoke. The wood smoke extended from point 1 at least down to Charles and possibly farther. There were people lighting off fireworks in the park in front of the slide at 19th Ave. & Margaret St. so it smelled like gunpowder smoke there.
2) Moderate wood smoke in front of the second house east of Helen St. on the north side of 19th Ave. I've seen a number of bonfires at that house over the past two years. Tonight, they had a small bonfire that produced a lot of smoke. The bonfire was probably not more than 18 inches high, well below the 3-foot limit in North St. Paul's recreational burning ordinance. I could hardly see the fire from Helen Street because it was so small. That one tiny fire smoked up the air on 19th down to Longview a full tenth of a mile away with faint wood smoke. Unfortunately, the smoke seemed to be drifting to the west. City council member Jan Walczak lives a few houses directly north of the house with the bonfire. I did not smell any smoke in front of her house. She doesn't have to breathe the smoky air she supports. If anyone deserves to breathe smoky, polluted air on a cool, beautiful summer evening like this, it is Jan Walczak.
3) Light wood smoke on Helen St. north of Beam Ave. and south of Lydia Ave. There is a frequent burner up here. Every time I am up here the air is smoky. I could not locate the source of the burning. I could not tell if it was coming from the North St. Paul side or the Maplewood side or if it was coming from a house on Helen or further east on Lake Blvd.
4) Light wood smoke at the house on the northeast corner of 19th Ave. & Chippewa Ave. I saw a small cloud of smoke a block away and went down to see wood smoke coming from the back side of the garage. I could not see a fire. I know there is a grass burner down here somewhere. I did not smell any grass tonight.
9:20 PM: No wood smoke where we live. Back home now. I reek of wood smoke. This city is a polluted nightmare.
10:00 PM: No wood smoke where we live. Fresh, cool air!
10:35 PM: Still no wood smoke where we live. 63 degrees.
11:05 PM: The is a very faint trace of some type of smoke in the air. I cannot say it is wood as it is not strong enough to tell. The air is mostly clear but not fresh.
11:30 PM: Very faint trace of some type of smoke continues. Off to bed.
There was a very faint amount of wood smoke in the air after midnight. We did not make it through the night without noticeable wood smoke in the air. We were close.