There was no wood smoke where we live this evening. We got lucky! But there was wood smoke elsewhere in North St. Paul. Somebody is always burning something in this town. You do not have to look hard to find smoky, polluted air in this city. Polluted air isn't unusual. What is unusual is when the air isn't polluted in the evenings.

1) Light to moderate wood smoke at the location of the first marker just south of St. Mary's Cemetary. I could not locate the source of the wood smoke and could not determine if it was coming from the North St. Paul or the Maplewood side of the street. I first smelled wood smoke at Lydia & Helen and it was strongest at the area of the marker with no wood smoke to the south. The breeze seemed to be blowing north this evening.
2) A very faint trace of wood smoke at this location. With the breeze out of the south, it is possible that it could have been from the source labeled number three. I smelled wood smoke at location two, lost it, and picked it up again by the dock on the lake.
3) Light to moderate wood smoke at this location. It was a little smoky on 18th between Henry & Charles. As I proceeded down on Charles toward Silver Lake Market, it got smokier. As far as bonfires go, this must have been a small one. I could not pinpoint the house that was producing the wood smoke. I did notice a yellow glow from a backyard on the northeast corner of 17th & Charles. But I could not determine if the glow was from a bonfire or from one of the lights on the back of the house as they were on at the time. It was also smoky in this area this past Monday. In 2008, this was the smokiest area of the city. There must be a frequent burner over here.
It did not take more than five minutes for me to find smoky air this evening. Wood, grass, leaves, somebody is always burning something.
A few drops of rain fell around 9:30 PM for a few minutes. It rained a little more about 11:30 PM. The rain continued lightly after midnight. Normally, it would have been smoky where we live. The incoming rain could have discouraged some backyard bonfire polluters. But it did not discourage all of them.