Recreational Fires Must Be Eliminated

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The air is smoky from burning wood in North St. Paul, MN, almost every evening. It is a nightmare. What used to be a nice place to live has become a living hell.

WARNING: If you buy a house in North St. Paul, MN, you will regret it! It may be the biggest, most expensive mistake you ever make. You will breathe smoky air almost every day of your life in this town. This is not an exaggeration. The wood smoke in this town gets heavy and gets heavy often. When you want to get out of this dump of a town, how many people do you think are going to want to buy a house in a city where heavy air pollution every night is normal and clean air is rare? This blog gets thousands of visitors every year. The word is out: North St. Paul is a horrible place to live!

Fresh air is very rare around here. If you are considering moving to North St. Paul or buying a home here, I strongly recommend that you do not do it no matter how good of a price you get. The only way you will be happy in this town is if you love breathing smoky air almost every day. North St. Paul, MN, is a horrible place to live because of the smoky air!

Burning wood, grass, leaves, paper, cardboard, and sometimes plastic, construction materials, and chemicals, if it is combustible it gets burned in North St. Paul and you are going to breathe it.

The air was smoky 25 out of 31 evenings in July 2009. We had 37 hours of continuous wood smoke in the air Aug. 29th - 31st. There was wood smoke in the air 19 consecutive evenings from Aug. 21st to Sept. 8th. It rained heavily on Aug. 20th, providing the only relief we got from wood smoke for almost three weeks.

Is this a good way to live? No. It is a horrible way to live. Take it from someone who knows. Breathing smoky, polluted air every day is misery.

Every day in this city several people are having recreational fires. Every evening the air is filled with the stench of burning wood. I am one person sick and tired of breathing smoky air every day. Is it too much to ask to be able to breathe fresh air in your own home?

Who is responsible for this wood smoke nightmare? The four city council members are responsible. Council members Jan Walczak, Bob Bruton, Terry Furlong, and Dave Zick have refused to do anything about this wood smoke problem. They don't care if you have a child with asthma. They don't care if you have to live like a shut-in because the air is so polluted. They don't care if your sinuses burn because the wood smoke is so heavy.

Our four Council members have defended the rights of a small percentage of households to burn wood daily over the rights of all the rest of us to breathe.

You have no right to breathe under Walczak, Bruton, Furlong, and Zick. Burners have the right to burn wood 49 hours a week recreationally. The rest of us have no rights at all.

If you are considering purchasing real estate in the city of North Saint Paul, Minnesota (55109), factor this blog carefully into your decision. Buying a home in this city means that your kids will breathe smoky air while playing in the yard almost every day. Your baby will breathe smoky air in her crib should you leave the windows open around your house. If you leave your windows open you will wake up in the middle of the night choking on smoky air.

Perhaps worst of all, your utility rates will be high because you will have to run the air conditioner instead of leaving the windows open on a cool summer evening. You have no other choice because almost every night the air is too smoky to breathe in this city. Consider this blog your warning.

North St. Paul, Minnesota, is a wonderful community other than the wood smoke. If we could restore fresh air like we used to enjoy, life would be happy again. But that is not going to happen any time soon.

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday 08/30/2011 Air Pollution

With the weather forecast calling for rain sprinkles this evening, I hoped we would be spared the usual smoke pollution.  No such luck.  The smoke wasn't heavy, but it was present as usual.

4:10 PM:  Light grass smoke in the air.  People are coming home from work and are being welcomed by burning yard waste.  That says "you have arrived in North St. Paul".  It is 68 degrees, cloudy, and scattered rain showers are in the forecast.  It looks like rain at this time.  It is common for people to hurry to burn yard waste before rain approaches.

4:15 PM:  Light to moderate grass smoke.  This is heavy for yard waste smoke.  The burner is probably not far, and might be on this block.  Looking around, I do not see any smoke rising from any of the backyards upwind.  It is breezy at this time.  I am not going to drive around looking for it as we are about to prepare dinner.

4:37 PM:  Light grass smoke.  The grass smoke comes and goes.  The breeze is shifting or the burner is burning in batches.

4:39 PM:  Light drizzle fell for a few minutes.  The rain sprinkle arrived.  I hoped this would be the end of the burning for the evening, but it wasn't.

5:54 PM:  A very faint wood smoke is in the air.  There is a light rain mist falling at this time.

6:09 PM:  A very faint smoke of some type is in the air.

6:22 PM:  Faint grass smoke in the air again.  The windows are open.  It is impossible to not notice the smoke coming in. 

6:45 PM:  No smoke.  Fresh air.

7:15 PM:  No smoke.

7:45 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke for a minute then it was gone.  I don't know what the hell is going on in this city.  It is misting at this time.

8:00 PM:  Light wood smoke.

8:45 PM:  Faint, varying wood smoke.  It is drizzling at this time.

9:20 PM:  No smoke.  64 degrees.

10:15 PM:  No smoke.

I checked one more time between the last check and midnight and there was no smoke in the air.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday 08/29/2011 Air Pollution

The North St. Paul nightmare goes all night long.

3:30 AM:  A faint, smoldering strange smelling smoke lingers in the air from last night's burning.  Nobody around us was burning.  I don't know who was doing it.  But they left whatever they were burning to smolder all night long.

4:30 PM:  No smoke.  80 degrees, sunny, with a comfortable humidity level under 50%.  It is a beautiful summer evening shaping up and you know it is going to be smoky in North St. Paul.  It always is.  You will find people burning within a quarter mile of you any day of the week just about.

6:45 PM:  No smoke.  76 degrees.

7:15 PM:  No smoke.  Mostly cloudy at this time.

8:00 PM:  No smoke where we live.  Others are not so lucky.  I found three areas with smoky air.  One was smoky from burning grass, another from burning wood, and it was smoky as usual along Silver Lake with the smoke the heaviest near the beach.

9:00 PM:  No smoke.  The fresh air continues

10:00 PM:  Still no smoke.

11:00 PM:  No smoke.  Off to bed.

There was no wood or yard waste smoke this evening.  It was a miracle!  The air was wonderfully fresh all evening and all night.  The temperature dropped quickly this evening.  We took advantage of the very rare fresh air in North St. Paul to use a fan to cool the house before bed.  The air was fresh when we went to bed and still fresh after midnight so I opened a few windows feeling confident there would be no burning tonight.  Late night burning is not as prevalent this year as it was in 2008 and 2009, but it happens every now and then.  There is nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night to a house full of wood smoke.  

Sunday 08/28/2011 Air Pollution

It was another smoky as hell Sunday night in our area of North St. Paul, MN.  I don't know what was being burned tonight, but it smelled terrible.  Yard waste smoke in the afternoon, some strange stuff being burned at night.

12:45 AM:  A very faint trace of wood smoke from Saturday night's burning continues.

6:30 AM:  A very faint smoldering wood smoke smell is in the air.  Nobody near us was burning last night.  I don't know where this smoldering smoke is coming from.

12:15 PM:  Faint rass and what smells like wood being burned along with it.  I smelled the smoke coming in the windows for a minute then it was gone.

1:43 PM:  Light grass smoke.  An illegal yard waste burner is doing his thing.  The smoke lasted a minute then it was gone.

2:15 PM:  Light wood and grass smoke.  Is this the same yard waste burner as earlier or a different one?  So many people burn yard waste these days you don't know.

2:30 PM:  Faint grass smoke continues.  It's been a continuous 15 minutes of grass smoke.  The windows were closed.  I hate this city.

3:00 PM:  No smoke.  Windows reopened.

4:00 PM:  No smoke.  76 degrees.

5:15 PM:  No smoke.  74 degrees, partly cloudy.

6:30 PM:  No smoke.

7:30 PM:  No smoke.

8:40 PM:  Moderate, really terrible smelling smoke.  Something strange is being burned.  It could be wood or tree branches with something else.  I can't say what it is.  It's a shame that we have to close the windows on a nice, cool summer evening like we usually do.  The city of North St. Paul sucks!

8:45 PM:  Light strange smoke continues.

9:15 PM:  Faint strange smoke continues.

9:45 PM:  Light to moderate strange smoke continues.

11:15 PM:  A light smoldering strange smoke continues.  No chance of opening the windows tonight.

There was a faint smokiness in the air when I woke around 3:30 AM Monday morning.  Does North St. Paul sound like a good place to live to you?  North St. Paul sucks!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday 08/27/2011 Air Pollution

It was an unusually mild evening for wood smoke pollution.  Last night we endured extremely heavy wood smoke.  Tonight it was much less smoky.

12:30 PM:  A very faint smoke of some unknown type is coming in the windows at this time.  It is not strong enough to tell what it is.  My guess is burning grass.

1:11 PM:  A very faint grass smoke is in the air.  Somewhere off in the distance someone is illegally burning yard waste.  It can be smelled in the house.  If it lasts long, the windows will need to be closed.

3:00 PM:  No smoke.

4:00 PM:  No smoke.

5:00 PM:  There is a very faint smokiness of some type in the air.  It could be from a charcoal grill.  I can't say for sure.  75 degrees, cloudy.

5:45 PM:  No smoke.  The air is not fresh at this time.  76 degrees, cloudy.

6:45 PM:  The air is not fresh.  Something is in the air.  Sunny now.

7:20 PM:  There is a very faint trace of wood smoke in the air.  There is no breeze.

7:50 PM:  A very faint trace of wood smoke continues.  Somewhere off in the distance someone is burning wood.

8:25 PM:  There is no noticeable wood smoke in the air but it is not fresh.

9:30 PM:  A very faint trace of wood smoke at this time.

10:00 PM:  Very faint wood smoke at this time.  It has gotten a little stronger.  The wood smoke is very weak for a Saturday night.

10:15 PM:  Faint to light wood smoke.

10:30 PM:  There is no noticeable wood smoke in the air at this time.  The air is not fresh.

10:45 PM:  Very faint wood smoke.

11:15 PM:  Very faint trace of wood smoke.

There was a very faint trace of wood smoke in the air when I woke up after midnight.  A very faint trace of a smoldering wood smoke lingered in the air after 6 AM Sunday morning.  Whoever was burning off in the distance left their bonfire to smolder all night long.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Friday 08/26/2011 Air Pollution

It was an extremely smoky hell of an evening in North St. Paul!  To put it another way, it was a normal Friday night.

4:20 PM:  Very faint wood smoke coming and going.  The asshole frequent burner is burning again, the third time this week.  I don't need to drive behind his house to see that he's burning because it's that distinctive smell of whatever he burns, and you can smell it blocks away.  84 degrees, sunny, a little humid.  The air conditioning was turned on because of the warmth.  If the windows were open, they would need to be closed. 

4:25 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke coming and going from the asshole frequent burner.  If the smoke is this heavy a distance away, how heavy would it be living next door?

5:05 PM:  No smoke.

5:50 PM:  No smoke.  87 degrees is the official Twin Cities temperature at this time.

6:30 PM:  No smoke.

7:00 PM:  No smoke.

7:30 PM:  No smoke.

8:00 PM:  No smoke.

8:30 PM:  No smoke.

9:00 PM:  No smoke.

9:20 PM:  No smoke.  Where is it?

9:42 PM:  Very faint wood smoke in the air.  It's starting to build.

9:56 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke.  It is very smoky outside at this time.  You don't want to breathe this polluted air.

10:15 PM:  Moderate wood smoke.  The air pollution has gotten heavier.  This is North St. Paul.  This is how you will live if you buy a home in this horrible shitty city.

10:49 PM:  Moderate wood smoke continues.  How many hours will the air be heavily polluted tonight?  The temperature has dropped.  The outside air has a pleasant coolness to it.  We should be able to shut the air conditioning off and allow the house to cool overnight.  But we can't!  North St. Paul sucks!

11:15 PM:  Moderate to strong wood smoke.  Extremely smoky air at this time!  You can't breathe this air!  You'll get sick to your stomach pretty quick if you breathe this polluted air!  I still can't believe the idiots on the city council make us breathe this air pollution.

11:35 PM:  Moderate to strong wood smoke continues.  There is no chance of opening the windows tonight.  Last check of the night.

When I woke Saturday morning the air was clean and fresh!  We can finally open the windows and enjoy the cool air!  North St. Paul sucks!

Thursday 08/25/2011 Air Pollution

The asshole frequent burner was burning again.  We were spared the brunt of most of his smoke pollution.  Others were not so lucky.  North St. Paul sucks!  A city run by idiots who love polluted air.

5:40 PM:  No smoke.  82 degrees, sunny.

6:35 PM:  Very faint to faint wood smoke at this time.  Close the windows!  The asshole frequent burner is burning at this time.  I can tell his smoke because whatever he burns produces a distinctive smell.  I don't usually need to go drive through the area to see that he's burning.  You can smell it blocks away.  The smoke came and went until around 8 PM.  We did not catch most of the smoke.  The breeze is blowing every which direction.  We catch a little for less than a minute at a time before it goes.

8:15 PM:  No smoke.  The windows have been opened.  About 80 degrees at this time.

9:00 PM:  No smoke.

9:30 PM:  No smoke here on our property.  But it is smoky a few homes down.  Sometimes we get lucky.  I went out and found an area with burning about two blocks away from us.  There is not much of a breeze at this time.  The smoke from the area of burning is drifting toward our street but is not making it to our property.  I can't smell the smoke in our yard at all.  I walk down the street 100 yards or so and there is wood smoke.

10:15 PM:  There is no wood smoke but the air is not fresh.  Something is in the air.  It isn't much and isn't enough to require the windows to be closed.

There was no more smoke for the rest of the evening.

Wednesday 08/24/2011 Air Pollution

There was almost no wood smoke in the air this evening.  Just a little bit for a short time.  It was a beautiful evening.

5:15 PM:  No smoke.  80 degrees, sunny, with a comfortable humidity level.

7:30 PM:  No smoke yet.

8:00 PM:  No smoke.

8:25 PM:  Very faint wood smoke at this time.  Somebody is burning somewhere.  It is not strong enough to require the closure of windows at this point.  If it gets any stronger, the windows will need to be closed.

9:00 PM:  No smoke.

10:00 PM:  No smoke.

10:30 PM:  No smoke.

11:30 PM:  The air is not fresh.  I cannot smell any smoke, but there is something in the air.  I don't know what.  Last check of the night.

Tuesday 08/23/2011 Air Pollution

There was almost no smoke in the air this evening.  The heat and humidity may have discouraged people from burning.

4:12 PM:  No smoke.  87 degrees, sunny, and humid.

5:00 PM:  No smoke  87 degrees.

6:00 PM:  No smoke.

7:00 PM:  No smoke.

8:00 PM:  No smoke.  84 degrees and muggy.

9:00 PM:  No smoke.  The air is wonderfully fresh at this time.  Step outside and take a deep breath.

10:00 PM:  No smoke.

10:52 PM:  A very faint smoke of some type is in the air.  It is not strong enough to determine what it is.

11:30 PM:  No smoke.  Last check of the evening.

Monday 08/22/2011 Air Pollution

It was a miracle!  There was no wood or yard waste smoke pollution tonight.  After last night's extreme smoke pollution, we deserved a break.  It was 84 degrees and sunny 4:30 PM.  It felt a little humid at the time and felt more humid as the evening wore on.

You never know if it is going to be smoky or not in North St. Paul.  More often than not, it is.  If it isn't raining, the air is usually smoky.  The city ordinance gives recreational burners all of the rights and no rights to the rest of us who have to breathe that polluted air.  We live at the mercy of air polluters.  North St. Paul, Minnesota, is hell on earth!

Sunday 08/21/2011 Air Pollution

It was a smoky hell of a Sunday evening in North St. Paul, MN.  There is no day of rest for recreational air polluters in this horrible city.  The idiots who run this city make it legal to burn all seven days a week and somewhere somebody is burning just about every day. 

4:13 PM:  Light wood smoke coming and going.  I went out to find the asshole frequent burner in the area burning again.  He burns not to have a bonfire, not to cook food, but just to burn and produce smoke.  The idiots who run this stupid city allow it.  He knows he can start burning at 4 PM all seven days a week and there is nothing anyone can do about it.  Close the windows!  I hate North St. Paul.  It's a horrible shitty city.  Don't move here.  You will hate it, too. 

4:45 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke coming and going at this time.  Most of the smoke isn't making it our direction.  A new homeowner right behind the asshole frequent burner moved into the city last year.  If the smoke is a nuisance a distance away like we are, I cannot imagine how strong the smoke must be living right behind him.

5:10 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke coming and going. 76 degrees, sunny, and what was a beautiful day is ruined by wood smoke pollution.  North St. Paul sucks!

5:30 PM:  Moderate to strong wood smoke.  It is extremely smoky at this time!  It is still early.  North St. Paul sucks!

6:00 PM:  No smoke where we are.  The asshole frequent burner is still burning.  That's two hours now.  Luck smiled on us as most of the smoke is not coming our direction.  But we still have the windows closed.  If the wind shifts, our home will quickly fill with smoky air.  Do you want to breathe smoky air inside your home when you are watching TV?  If it wasn't so smoky, we would be sitting outside enjoying the final days of summer.  But we can't!

6:30 PM:  No smoke here at this time.

7:00 PM:  No smoke here at this time.

7:15 PM:  No smoke at this time.

7:30 PM:  No smoke.

7:46 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke.  A shift in the wind has brought the smoke back to us.  The asshole frequent burner is still burning.  That's four hours he has burned already today with no end in sight!

8:30 PM:  It looks like the asshole frequent burner is finished burning.  That's four hours he smoked up the air today!  Four hours of hell!

9:05 PM:  Faint wood smoke.  Wood smoke in the air for five hours now!

10:00 PM:  Faint wood smoke.

11:00 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke.  Very smoky air continues this late.  That's seven hours of smoky air this evening!

I went out this evening and found two areas of burning and a third area with heavy smoke where I could not pinpoint the source.  There was a wood smoke haze visible in the street lights in two areas.  Air pollution so heavy you can see it. A home near the intersection of Navajo and Chippewa was burning tonight in the front yard, producing smoke I could smell blocks away.  This home had a campaign sign in the front yard for city council member Jan Walczak in 2008.  Ms. Walczak supports this air pollution.  I first contacted her in May 2008 about this city's horrible wood smoke problem and she did nothing about it.  She refused to help.  Along the southern edge of Silver Lake, I saw a smoky haze in the street lights near the park on the eastern shore.  I suspected the white house on Reardon was burning again and it was.  Heavy wood smoke was being produced, so heavy the backyard of the home burning was a cloud of wood smoke.  The burning appeared to have just ended as I passed by.  Wood smoke haze was visible in the street lights around the home up to a block away.  There was a third area of burning somewhere between the two I found.  A haze of wood smoke was visible in the street light in front of city council member Jan Walczak's home.  I was at Helen & 19th when I saw the smoke haze half a block down in the street light.  Someone in that area was burning and producing the smoke.  I couldn't find the source.  I also noticed smoke by the cemetery way up at Helen & Lydia.  I don't know where that was coming from.  It smelled like the same type of smoke produced over on Reardon.  There was not much of a breeze at this time which made it difficult to find the source of the burning.  No breeze to push the smoke out of the area.

It was a horrible, smoky night in the city of North St. Paul, MN.  Wood smoke all over the place.  This is pretty normal in North St. Paul.  It has been like this for years and the idiots on the city council have not done a thing about it.  Do you want to live in a city like this?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saturday 08/19/2011 Air Pollution

It was another smoky evening in North St. Paul, Minnesota.  Another evening we must remain shut in our home like prisoners.

I did not notice any yard waste burning today.  That was a pleasant surprise.

4:30 PM:  A faint smoke of some type is in the air.  It could be from a grill.  I don't know what it is. 

5:35 PM:  A faint smoke of undetermined type remains in the air.

5:55 PM:  No smoke.  77 degrees, a little cloudy with the sun shining through.

7:00 PM:  No wood smoke.  Just a little smoke from grilling of food.  Nothing to complain about. 

7:52 PM:  A very faint wood smoke is in the air at this time.  Someone is burning wood off in the distance.

8:05 PM:  Faint wood smoke at this time.  No doubt about it.  Someone has a bonfire going.  Windows closed.

9:15 PM:  Light wood smoke at this time.  The air pollution is getting heavier.  You would not want to sit outside and breathe this smoky air.  North St. Paul is a horrible place to live.

10:00 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke.  It's smoky outside.  It is a shame because the air is nice and cool.  In a city that isn't horrible like North St. Paul, we would enjoy the cool breeze blowing through the house.  But in this horrible city we live like prisoners.

Midnight:  Very faint to faint wood smoke in the air varying with the breeze.  It is a little windy at this time.  The air is cool.  It would be so nice to open the windows to let the cool breeze blow through the house.  It is 77 degrees inside the house and a good 10 degrees cooler outside.  But we can't open the windows because of the wood smoke in the air.

When I woke Sunday morning the air was fresh.  Finally we can open the windows.

Friday 08/19/2011 Air Pollution

4:10 PM:  No smoke.

5:30 PM:  No smoke.  Sunny and very nice.  83 degrees.

6:30 PM:  No smoke.  Cloudy at this time.

8:00 PM:  No smoke where we live.  A quarter mile to the west someone is burning wood and a block north of that somebody is burning grass.  The breeze is heading our direction but the smoke isn't getting to our property. 

9:00 PM:  A very faint trace of some type of smoke is in the air.  It is not strong enough to determine its type.

10:00 PM:  A very faint smoke of some type is in the air.  I don't know what it is.  The breeze is coming out of the west.  There was wood and grass burning that direction earlier.  Maybe the diluted smoke from that burning is making it to us.

11:10 PM:  A faint smoke of some type is in the air.  It has gotten stronger but I cannot determine what it is.  It has more of a sulfur smell than a wood smoke smell.  The wind pattern is out of the west, not from downtown North St. Paul.  It isn't from the roofing company.

11:45 PM:  A faint smoke of some type continues in the air.  Last check of the evening.

The air was good and fresh when I woke Saturday morning. 

Thursday 08/18/2011 Air Pollution

It was another smoky evening in this horrible city.  I had high hopes we might make it through the night without any smoke pollution.  But somebody started burning after 11 PM. 

5:15 PM:  No smoke.  Sunny, 83 degrees, and beautiful!

7:05 PM:  No smoke yet.

10:40 PM:  Still no smoke yet.  At this point I thought we might have an evening without any burning.  No such luck.  Close the windows for bed.  We cannot risk leaving the windows open at night because of late night burning.

11:20 PM:  Light wood and what smells like grass smoke.  Somebody is burning wood and what may be grass. 

You can be assured of smoky air almost every nice evening in North St. Paul, MN.  It has been like this for years and the damn idiots on the city council are not going to put a stop to it any time soon.  North St. Paul sucks!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday 08/17/2011 Air Pollution

It was another very smoky evening in North St. Paul.  It's smoky like this more evenings than not.  Do you want to buy a home in a city like this?  When we came to this city, the air was fresh every evening.  Had we known North St. Paul was going to get as polluted as this, we would have never moved here.

4:15 PM:  No smoke.  It is a beautiful evening sure to be ruined by smoke pollution.  We know it is going to be smoky because it almost always is when it is nice like this.  79 degrees, sunny, and beautiful at this time.

5:10 PM:  A very faint trace of some type of smoke was in the air for a little while before disappearing.  I don't know what was being burned.  80 degrees, sunny.

6:30 PM:  No smoke.  Beautiful fresh air!  Spending time outside at this time enjoying the little fresh air before the smoke starts.

7:30 PM:  No smoke.  This is a perfect evening to be outside.

9:00 PM:  There is an odor in the air.  I don't know what it is.

9:30 PM:  Light to moderate wood and some other type of smoke.  It smells like wood, charcoal, and something else.  The air is smoky.  Too smoky to leave the windows open.

9:50 PM:  Moderate wood and some other type of smoke.  Someone may be burning some household waste along with the wood.  The smoke is heavy at this time.  I don't know where the burning is coming from.  None of our nearby neighbors appears to be burning.  It could be blocks away.  The smoke travels wherever the wind blows it.

10:00 PM:  Moderate wood and some type of waste being burned.  It could be paper.  I don't know what it is.  The air reeks!  North St. Paul is hell on earth!

10:30 PM:  Faint wood and maybe waste smoke continues.  It is 69 degrees at this time.  We should be able to have our windows open to enjoy the cool evening air.  But we can't!  North St. Paul is the worst place to live!  I can hear my neighbor's air conditioner running at this time.  Why should someone have to run the air conditioner with a temperature of 69 degrees and comfortable humidity?  Because the air is so damn smoky they can't open the windows!

11:00 PM:  A very faint smoke lingers in the air.  There is no chance of opening the windows before bed. 

11:20 PM:  A faint wood smoke is in the air.  It is a different smell from earlier.  Somebody else may have started a bonfire.

North St. Paul sucks!

Tuesday 08/16/2011 Air Pollution

It was another very smoky evening in North St. Paul.  There was a little smoke before the rain and a lot of smoke after.  I did not expect any smoke tonight because of the rain.  But some asshole started burning yard waste after the rain had passed.  North St. Paul is a horrible place to live!  This is one screwed up city.

4:25 PM:  No smoke.  83 degrees, cloudy, it looks like rain.

5:25 PM: Faint wood smoke at this time.  The smoke did not last long.  When I checked a few minutes later the smoke was gone.  We may have caught a little of the smoke with a shift in the breeze taking it away.  It is common for people to burn yard waste as rain approaches in North St. Paul, MN.  When people burn yard waste, they often burn wood then rake their grass clippings into the bonfire.

5:45 PM:  No smoke.  A few drops of rain fell around this time for a few minutes.

6:00 PM:  No smoke.  The rain stopped.

6:45 PM:  No smoke.  Rain is starting again.

6:55 PM:  No smoke.  Pouring rain.

10:15 PM:  No smoke.  The rain stopped prior to this time.

10:35 PM:  Very faint wood smoke coming in the windows.  Somebody is burning.  I hate this city. 

10:40 PM:   Moderate grass smoke.  The air is very smoky from burning grass at this time.  Some asshole sat around all evening waiting for the rain to cease to begin burning yard waste.  This is how screwed up North St. Paul is. Who sits around waiting for the rain to end so he can run outside and burn grass?

11:05 PM:  Light to moderate grass smoke continues.  Last check of the evening.  North St. Paul sucks.

Monday 08/15/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood or yard waste smoke this evening.  A miracle! With smoky air the prior four evenings, we deserved a little break from the North St. Paul air pollution.  It was 83 degrees and sunny at 6 PM.  It was a nice evening of fresh air.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday 08/14/2011 Air Pollution

This was the fourth evening in a row with smoky air.  We have been living like this for years and there is no end in sight.  North St. Paul, MN, is a horrible place to live.

4:30 PM:  No smoke.  80 degrees, sunny.

5:45 PM:  No smoke.  81 degrees.

6:30 PM:  No smoke.

8:00 PM:  No smoke yet.

8:45 PM:  Faint to light wood smoke.  Who needs a bonfire on a Sunday evening?  North St. Paul sucks.  The windows have been closed.

9:00 PM:  Faint wood smoke.

9:35 PM:  Light wood and some other type of smoke.  I am not sure what is being burned.

10:45 PM:  Faint wood and possibly some other type of smoke continues.  There is no chance of opening the windows before bed.  North St. Paul sucks!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday 08/13/2011 Air Pollution

It was another smoky evening in North St. Paul.  A beautiful, cool evening that we could not enjoy because of this city's terrible air pollution problem.  We stayed inside the house with the windows all closed like prisoners.  We live like prisoners in our own home in this shitty city.  You make payments on a home, you pay high property tax and you cannot enjoy your property because the air is almost always smoky during the evenings.  North St. Paul, MN, is an awful place to live.

11:15 AM:  Faint grass smoke around this time.  I don't know how strong the smoke from illegal grass burning got.  While I was taking a bath after doing work around the house, the bathroom fan sucked in the smoky air.  This is how you will live if you make the mistake of buying a home in this horrible city.

11:35 AM:  Very faint wood or grass or both types of smoke continues.  A distant burner could be burning dead tree branches or who knows what.  If it is combustible, people burn it in the city of North St. Paul, MN.  This smoke is a nuisance but not strong enough to require the closure of windows.  It did not last more than 15 minutes.  69 degrees and mostly cloudy at this time.

2:47 PM:  A very faint smoke of some type is coming in the windows.  It is not strong enough to require the closure of windows but is a nuisance regardless.  I don't think you want to smell smoke of any type inside your home, do you?

3:24 PM:  Very faint grass smoke at this time.  Somewhere off in the distance there is another illegal yard waste burner.  The burner could be a quarter to a half of a mile away.  Smoke travels wherever the wind carries it.  The smoke is a nuisance but not strong enough to require the closure of windows.  Not yet.

3:35 PM:  Very faint grass smoke continues.  78 degrees and mostly cloudy at this time.

4:00 PM:  No smoke.

5:00 PM:  No smoke.  78 degrees, partly cloudy.

6:20 PM:  Faint wood smoke coming and going.

6:40 PM:  Very faint wood smoke.

7:00 PM:  Very faint wood smoke.

7:20 PM:  Light wood smoke.  Close the windows!  It is going to be a long, smoky evening in North St. Paul.  This city sucks!

7:30 PM:  Very faint to faint wood smoke.

7:45 PM:  No real smoke but there is something in the air.  The air is not fresh.

8:00 PM:  No smoke at this time.  But there is a strange smell in the air.  It smells like a barn.

9:10 PM:  Light wood smoke at this time.

9:30 PM:  Very faint wood smoke.

10:35 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke.  It is pretty smoky outside.  You would not want to sit outside and breathe this air and you do not want it inside your home.  How many people out there desire to breathe smoky air in bed?  In North St. Paul, your options are to close your windows and live like shut-ins or tolerate the smoky air because the air is smoky more often than not.  68 degrees at this time.  We should be free to open the windows and enjoy the cool evening air.  But not in this shitty city!

11:20 PM:  Light to moderate wood smoke continues.  We hope the smoke is gone by morning so we can open the windows and get the warm, stuffy air out of here.

The air was fresh when I woke Sunday morning.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday 08/12/2011 Air Pollution

This morning, I had high hopes for fresh air tonight when I saw the weather forecast calling for rain.  Now it appears that it will not rain tonight in the Twin Cities area as earlier forecast. That means smoky air again!

4:35 PM: No smoke where we live. The asshole frequent burner in the area is burning at this time.  I saw clouds of smoke rising from his backyard as I came home. His smoke is not coming our direction for now. Others are not so lucky. 76 degrees, cloudy, and pretty nice.

5:00 PM: No smoke.

5:30 PM: No smoke.

6:00 PM: No smoke.

6:15 PM: A very faint trace of wood smoke was in the air at this time.

6:25 PM: Very faint wood smoke at this time.  I went out and saw that the asshole frequent burner is still burning. That's almost 2 hours he has been burning so far this evening. Clouds of smoke are still rising from his backyard. We are lucky that most of his smoke has not come our direction. We have not had to close the windows yet. If it gets any smokier, we will have to close them and be prisoners in our own home once more. North St. Paul sucks! It is a nice evening. It would be nice to spend some time enjoying the outdoors before bed. I do not think we will get a chance.

6:30 PM: We can smell a trace of wood smoke in the house. We may have to close the windows soon.

6:35 PM: Faint wood smoke. It is getting stronger and now we must close the windows. North St. Paul is a horrible place to live! It is sunny at this time.

6:40 PM: Faint to light wood smoke. The shift in breeze brings more smoke to our property. The smoke comes and goes with the breeze.

7:25 PM: Faint wood smoke coming and going.

7:40 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke. Pretty smoky now. If the windows were left open the entire house would reek of wood smoke.

8:00 PM: Light wood smoke at this time.

8:30 PM: Light wood smoke continues.

9:00 PM: Light wood smoke continues.

9:50 PM: Light wood smoke continues.

11:15 PM: Faint wood smoke at this time. No chance of opening the windows to cool the house tonight. The temperature must be down in the 60s by now. We hope for fresh air in the morning.

The air was fresh when I woke at 6 AM Saturday morning. It was raining at the time.

Thursday 08/11/2011 Air Pollution

It was a normal smoky evening in North St. Paul.  A beautiful evening ruined by wood and grass smoke pollution.  We could not leave the windows open to cool the house tonight.

5:00 PM:  No smoke.  83 degrees, sunny, and nice for August.

5:45 PM:  Faint wood smoke coming in the windows for two or three minutes then it was gone.

6:00 PM:  No smoke.  Fresh air.

7:00 PM:  No smoke.

8:00 PM:  No smoke.

8:45 PM:  Light wood smoke at this time.  We had a feeling the air would be smoky tonight.  That is the norm.  What is unusual in North St. Paul is when the evening air isn't smoky.  Fresh, unpolluted air is abnormal in this town.  Close the windows!  It is 79 degrees inside the house.  The air temperature outside is cooling fast.  It is cooler outside than it is inside but we cannot take advantage of it.

9:15 PM:  Light wood and grass smoke.  Wood burning and illegal yard waste burning.  This is how North St. Paul is.  There is no breeze.  The smoke blankets the whole neighborhood.

10:00 PM:  Light wood smoke continues.

11:00 PM:  Light wood smoke continues.  We have no chance to open the windows tonight before bed.  We are stuck sleeping in a warm, stuffy house because of the city council of this horrible city.

You don't want to breathe smoky air in bed, do you?  We don't. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wednesday 08/10/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood smoke this evening! It was another miracle! This was the second beautiful smoke-free evening in a row! It was sunny and 80 degrees at 6 PM with a comfortable humidity level below 60%. We got to enjoy an evening without wood smoke, but others were not so lucky. There was some pretty strong wood smoke over by the Silver Lake beach tonight at dusk. I've taken a cruise by the lake three evenings in a row and I found smoky air all three times. On Monday there was a smoky bonfire near 19th & Henry. Last night there was a little wood smoke near Poplar & Lake. Tonight it was pretty smoky near 19th & Margaret.

Tuesday 08/09/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood smoke this evening. It was a miracle! A beautiful, sunny evening with no wood smoke! It was 72 degrees and sunny at 6 PM. A cooler than normal day for a change in a hot and humid summer. We spent some time outside this evening enjoying the cool, fresh air. You learn to savor the little fresh evening air you get in North St. Paul. We took a big risk tonight leaving the windows open when we went to bed. We very seldom do that because you never know when someone will start burning late. The temperature when I went to bed was 68 degrees. The house was nice and cool when we woke.

Monday 08/08/2011 Air Pollution

More wood smoke in North St. Paul, MN.

4:45 PM: No smoke at this time. But there is a icky tar smell in the air from the roofing company on the other side of Highway 36. 80 degrees, sunny, and humid. As of now there is rain in the forecast for tonight between 8 and 9 PM. It did not rain tonight as forecast.

6:10 PM: Light wood smoke at this time varying with the breeze. I suspected the frequent burner was burning again. It was not him. It was another house that does not usually burn wood but does burn yard waste from time to time. The windows have been closed.

6:30 PM: Light varying wood smoke continues.

7:00 PM: Light very stinky wood smoke and possibly something else being burned with the wood. It is very unpleasant smelling.

7:30 PM: Light varying stinky wood smoke continues.

8:00 PM: Very faint wood smoke lingers in the air.

9:00 PM: The wood smoke is gone. But some sort of strange food is being grilled. It smells like somebody is scorching their dinner on a grill.

10:00 PM: The air is not fresh but there is no noticeable smoke in it.

10:50 PM: The air is still not fresh. Windy at this time. Last check of the evening.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday 08/07/2011 Air Pollution

It is a beautiful summer day. The windows are open all around the house. We expect tonight to be smoky. Almost every evening when it is nice somebody is burning. It would be a miracle for tonight to be an exception.

4:30 PM: No smoke. Sunny, 80 degrees and beautiful. The windows are open all over the house. When the windows are open, people will be burning. There has been no yard waste burning at all today. Something I find hard to believe. With the windows open and a gentle breeze blowing through the house, if somebody was burning yard waste someone would have noticed it.

4:55 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke coming and going with the wind. I found the frequent burner in the area burning again. Close the windows!

6:00 PM: No smoke.

7:00 PM: No smoke. The wind shifted or the frequent burner did not let his wood smolder for hours like he usually does.

8:15 PM: No smoke.

There was no more wood smoke for the rest of the evening.

Saturday 08/06/2011 Air Pollution

It was a normal smoky Saturday night in North St. Paul. This city is a horrible place to live.

5:00 PM: Light wood smoke comes and goes. Went out and found the area frequent burner is burning at this time. He burns early, lets his wood smolder itself out, smoking up the air for hours, then the bonfires start. North St. Paul sucks.

6:00 PM: No smoke at this time. The smoke comes and goes. 85 degrees.

6:55 PM: A very faint wood smoke is in the air at this time.

7:40 PM: A very faint trace of wood smoke is in the air.

8:20 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke at this time.

8:30 PM: Moderate wood smoke. It is very smoky at this time. You can't be outside breathing this air!

9:05 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke.

9:25 PM: A very faint trace of wood smoke is in the air at this time and varies with the breeze.

10:15 PM: No smoke. A little rain fell around this time.

There was no more wood smoke for the rest of the evening. The air was fresh when I woke Sunday morning.

Friday 08/05/2011 Air Pollution

If you are going to live in North St. Paul, MN, you are going to breathe smoky air most evenings. The wood and yard waste smoke returned tonight after an unusual absence earlier this week. We have been living like this for many years now. North St. Paul is a horrible place to live.

5:15 PM: No smoke. Mostly cloudy, 84 degrees, and humid.

7:00 PM: No smoke.

8:00 PM: No smoke.

9:00 PM: Light grass smoke varying with the breeze. Somebody is illegally burning yard waste as the sky turns dark.

10:00 PM: Light wood smoke at this time. Now the wood burning starts. This is what you can expect if you live in this horrible city.

11:00 PM: The air is mostly clear at this time. Last check of the evening.

Thursday 08/04/2011 Air Pollution

It was another miracle. No wood or yard waste smoke on a beautiful summer evening. It was 84 degrees and sunny at 6 PM. It was a nice evening to be outside and not have to breathe smoky air. Every summer evening should be like this.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday 08/03/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood or yard waste smoke this evening. It was a miracle to not have any smoke pollution on a beautiful evening like this. The temperature at 5 PM was 86 degrees and it was nice and sunny with a humidity level around 40%. I spent some time outside this evening enjoying the nice comfortable weather. It was wonderful to enjoy the outdoors without smoke pollution fouling the air. If fresh air was a normal thing around here like it was years ago, North St. Paul would be a good place to live. The wood smoke will be back. The people around here are not going to stop burning on their own.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday 08/02/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood or yard waste smoke this evening. A miracle in North St. Paul. It was on the warm side, but people have burned when it was this warm before and will again. We had some rain in the late morning in the Twin Cities area. The temperature at 4:15 PM was 81 degrees, rising to 88 by 7:30 PM with sunny skies and less humidity than we have had in past days. It was a good evening for everyone who enjoys fresh air. Every evening should be free of smoke pollution like this.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday 08/01/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood or yard waste smoke this evening due to weather conditions. We had some thunderstorms with heavy rain this afternoon in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. It was drizzling at 5:15 PM with a temperature of 74 degrees. Everything was too wet for burning.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday 07/31/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood or yard waste smoke today. We were the beneficiaries of unpolluted air because of heat and humidity. It was 92 degrees and humid at 5 PM. Not many people have bonfires or burn yard waste when it is hot and humid.