The wood smoke was heaviest at Lake Blvd. & Swan Ave. That was the source of the wood smoke I smelled when I stepped outside this morning. Going around the corner of Swan at Lake, I smelled no wood smoke. I am not sure which house was producing the wood smoke at 7 AM. But it was one of the homes right in this area.

I also smelled light wood smoke on 19th a few houses east of Margaret. I smelled it the most right in front of an eyesore of a Ben Franklin truck. I went back through the alley and smelled nothing back there. I'm not sure where that wood smoke was coming from.
5:00 PM: Somebody is burning wood. There is never a day without wood smoke in this damn city!
5:45 PM: Light wood smoke. Whoever is burning still is. They may be burning all night long! Horrible.
7:00 PM: Faint wood smoke.
8:30 PM: No wood smoke.
9:15 PM: Faint wood smoke.
10:30 PM: Moderate wood smoke. I know who is burning this evening.
11:30 PM: Moderate wood smoke continues.
Midnight: Extremely strong wood smoke. A few breaths of that air makes you sick to your stomach!
We have the city council to thank for this air pollution. We endure this hell on earth because of their inaction on this issue.