Recreational Fires Must Be Eliminated

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The air is smoky from burning wood in North St. Paul, MN, almost every evening. It is a nightmare. What used to be a nice place to live has become a living hell.

WARNING: If you buy a house in North St. Paul, MN, you will regret it! It may be the biggest, most expensive mistake you ever make. You will breathe smoky air almost every day of your life in this town. This is not an exaggeration. The wood smoke in this town gets heavy and gets heavy often. When you want to get out of this dump of a town, how many people do you think are going to want to buy a house in a city where heavy air pollution every night is normal and clean air is rare? This blog gets thousands of visitors every year. The word is out: North St. Paul is a horrible place to live!

Fresh air is very rare around here. If you are considering moving to North St. Paul or buying a home here, I strongly recommend that you do not do it no matter how good of a price you get. The only way you will be happy in this town is if you love breathing smoky air almost every day. North St. Paul, MN, is a horrible place to live because of the smoky air!

Burning wood, grass, leaves, paper, cardboard, and sometimes plastic, construction materials, and chemicals, if it is combustible it gets burned in North St. Paul and you are going to breathe it.

The air was smoky 25 out of 31 evenings in July 2009. We had 37 hours of continuous wood smoke in the air Aug. 29th - 31st. There was wood smoke in the air 19 consecutive evenings from Aug. 21st to Sept. 8th. It rained heavily on Aug. 20th, providing the only relief we got from wood smoke for almost three weeks.

Is this a good way to live? No. It is a horrible way to live. Take it from someone who knows. Breathing smoky, polluted air every day is misery.

Every day in this city several people are having recreational fires. Every evening the air is filled with the stench of burning wood. I am one person sick and tired of breathing smoky air every day. Is it too much to ask to be able to breathe fresh air in your own home?

Who is responsible for this wood smoke nightmare? The four city council members are responsible. Council members Jan Walczak, Bob Bruton, Terry Furlong, and Dave Zick have refused to do anything about this wood smoke problem. They don't care if you have a child with asthma. They don't care if you have to live like a shut-in because the air is so polluted. They don't care if your sinuses burn because the wood smoke is so heavy.

Our four Council members have defended the rights of a small percentage of households to burn wood daily over the rights of all the rest of us to breathe.

You have no right to breathe under Walczak, Bruton, Furlong, and Zick. Burners have the right to burn wood 49 hours a week recreationally. The rest of us have no rights at all.

If you are considering purchasing real estate in the city of North Saint Paul, Minnesota (55109), factor this blog carefully into your decision. Buying a home in this city means that your kids will breathe smoky air while playing in the yard almost every day. Your baby will breathe smoky air in her crib should you leave the windows open around your house. If you leave your windows open you will wake up in the middle of the night choking on smoky air.

Perhaps worst of all, your utility rates will be high because you will have to run the air conditioner instead of leaving the windows open on a cool summer evening. You have no other choice because almost every night the air is too smoky to breathe in this city. Consider this blog your warning.

North St. Paul, Minnesota, is a wonderful community other than the wood smoke. If we could restore fresh air like we used to enjoy, life would be happy again. But that is not going to happen any time soon.

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday 07/30/2011 Air Pollution

Wood and yard waste smoke coming and going all afternoon and due to a thunderstorm no wood smoke tonight.

12:00 PM: Faint wood smoke and maybe yard waste smoke coming and going on the breeze at this time. It smells like wood and something else. I cannot say. The burner is not close to us. The wind brings the smoke this direction every so often.

12:30 PM: Very faint wood and what smells like grass smoke coming and going with the breeze.

2:15 PM: Light wood smoke at this time. The wind shifted and it was gone minutes later.

2:30 PM: Faint wood smoke and some other type of waste at this time. It comes and goes.

3:20 PM: Very faint grass smoke at this time. 89 degrees, sunny, and a little humid at this time.

4:00 PM: No smoke at this time.

5:00 PM: No smoke.

5:30 PM: Light wood smoke at this time.

6:00 PM: No smoke.

There was no more wood or yard waste smoke this evening. A storm was in the forecast for tonight. There was lightning in the sky after 9:30 PM and by 10:20 PM it was raining with heavy rain afterward.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Yard waste burner puts home up for sale

There is little good news to be found in North St. Paul because this city is such a horrible place to live with its polluted air. But we may have a little less illegal yard waste smoke in the air in the near future. An illegal yard waste burner recently put their home up for sale. A man at this home burns leaves in the fall and a woman who lives there, Mrs. Illegal Yard Waste Burner I presume, likes to burn grass during the summer (we saw her burning grass in what little there is of a backyard a few weeks ago). There are a few women in the area who burn yard waste. There are two such lady yard waste burners living within a few hundred feet of city council member Jan Walczak's home. Ms. Walczak, the diligent and effective city council member that she is, does nothing about it. One of the lady yard waste burners is just a few houses down from her.

Friday 07/29/2011 Air Pollution

It was smoky as hell tonight. A normal evening in North St. Paul, MN, the most polluted city in the world.

4:00 PM: No smoke. 88 degrees, sunny, and it feels a little humid.

5:00 PM: No smoke.

6:00 PM: No smoke.

6:30 PM: No smoke.

7:00 PM: No smoke.

8:00 PM: Moderate wood smoke. How many hours will the smoky air last tonight? Will the air still be smoky come morning? I hate this city. It's a horrible place to live.

8:30 PM: Moderate wood and grass smoke. Someone is burning yard waste with their wood. People like to do that. They will start a bonfire and rake their grass clippings into it.

9:00 PM: Light wood smoke.

10:15 PM: Moderate grass smoke. More yard waste burning. Thank you city of North St. Paul for making us live like this.

11:10 PM: A faint smoke of some type is in the air. It is wood and possibly something else.

The air was not fresh when I woke Saturday morning. Do you want to live in a city like this? Do you want to raise your children in a city that has smoky air every evening? Do you want your children breathing fertilizer, weed killer, and any other chemicals in burning grass? North St. Paul sucks! I've seen a few homes sell in the area in the past few months and the people who buy them will soon discover what a horrible city this is.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Thursday 07/28/2011 Air Pollution

12:30 AM: Faint wood smoke continues from the prior evening's burning.

There was no wood smoke tonight. At 6:30 PM it was 85 degrees and sunny and a little humid. As it was not very hot this evening, we will call this a miracle. After last night's heavy wood smoke pollution it was nice to have a night without smoky air. Without foreclosures in the area the past year, this summer would have been smokier than it has been. Recreational air polluters have a high rate of foreclosure it seems.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wednesday 07/27/2011 Air Pollution

Heavy wood smoke this evening. Aren't we fortunate to live in a city that makes us breathe heavily polluted air? Wouldn't you like to live in North St. Paul and breathe smoky air almost every day? We've had smoky air four out of the past five evenings. If it isn't raining or too hot or cool, somebody is burning almost every evening.

4:25 PM: No smoke. 85 degrees, sunny, and very humid. The humidity makes it feel much warmer than it is.

6:00 PM: No smoke.

7:00 PM: No smoke.

8:00 PM: No smoke.

9:15 PM: No smoke.

10:15 PM: Moderate to strong wood smoke. It is extremely smoky now! This intense wood smoke pollution is inhumane! Nobody around us is burning. I don't know who is doing it. Stepping outside will leave me reeking of wood smoke requiring a shower. I'm not going out looking for it either.

When I woke after midnight there was a faint wood smoke in the air. The high temperature reached 89 degrees today with high humidity. I did not think anyone would be having a bonfire when it is this warm and humid. But this is North St. Paul. If someone isn't burning every evening when it isn't raining, that is out of the ordinary. North St. Paul sucks! We hate this damn city because of its heavily polluted air! You do not want to live in a city like this. North St. Paul is hell on earth!

Tuesday 07/26/2011 Air Pollution

There was wood smoke in the air again this evening.

4:45 PM: No smoke. 83 degrees with low humidity, sunny, and beautiful. This is a perfect summer day which will certainly be ruined by smoky air. You cannot have a nice day in this shitty city without someone ruining it by burning wood, grass, or whatever.

6:00 PM: No smoke.

7:00 PM: No smoke.

8:00 PM: Faint wood smoke at this time. If the windows were open they would have to be closed.

9:00 PM: No smoke.

10:00 PM: No smoke.

There was no more wood smoke this evening.

Monday 07/25/2011 Air Pollution

It was a miracle! There was no wood smoke this evening. Tough to believe, isn't it? The temperature was 88 degrees at 5:30 PM. It was a little warm this evening, but not too warm for bonfires I don't believe. As it usually works in the city of North St. Paul, when it is too warm or cool to have the windows open, nobody burns. But when the temperature is comfortable enough to open the windows, people are burning preventing you from leaving the windows open.

Sunday 07/24/2011 Air Pollution

It was a beautiful summer day spoiled by smoky air. What else is new?

I took a walk down by Silver Lake this morning sometime after 6 AM. I found wood smoke. Somebody's bonfire survived last night's rain storm or they started burning late after the rain had ended and left it to smolder itself out.

4:20 PM: Faint wood smoke is coming and going on the wind. 80 degrees, sunny, and it was beautiful until the smoke started.

4:55 PM: Light wood smoke varying with the wind. Must close the windows now and turn on the air conditioner. I went out and found the area frequent burner burning at this time.

5:45: Light wood smoke comes and goes with the breeze.

6:15 PM: No smoke at this time.

7:00 PM: No smoke.

7:45 PM: Light wood smoke at this time.

8:00 PM: A faint to light wood smoke at this time.

9:00 PM: No smoke.

10:55 PM: Light grass smoke. Someone is illegally burning yard waste. It could be the frequent burner from earlier. He likes to burn grass under cover of darkness. But he is not the only one who does that. I really don't know who is doing it.

11:30 PM: A very faint smokiness lingers in the air. No chance of opening the windows tonight.

North St. Paul sucks!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday 07/23/2011 Air Pollution

An evening with a comfortable temperature means smoky air and that's what we got tonight. We had a thunderstorm around 9 AM that ended around 11 AM. It didn't wet things enough to prevent people from burning this evening.

5:45 PM: No smoke. 83 degrees and mostly cloudy. The weather forecast calls for the possibility of a thunderstorm tonight but nothing certain.

7:00 PM: No smoke.

8:00 PM: A very faint trace of wood smoke is in the air. Somebody is burning wood somewhere. 75 degrees, cloudy, and nice except for the smoke pollution.

8:15 PM: A faint smoke of some type is in the air at this time.

8:45 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke varying with the breeze. Rain clouds are moving in and it is breezy at this time. This should be an evening for us to open the windows and enjoy the cool evening air. But we will be stuck inside with the windows closed all night, prisoners in our own home once again. North St. Paul sucks! Nobody around us is burning. I don't know who is. It could be someone blocks away with the wind bringing the smoke here. If our windows were open the house would smell throughout of burning wood. We do not want that in our home! This city is a horrible place to live!

9:10 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke continues. The news said the big storm missed us.

9:30 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke continues. The clouds are flashing with lightning at this time.

9:50 PM: Light wood smoke at this time.

9:53 PM: Drops of rain are starting to fall.

10:00 PM: Faint wood smoke continues in the air. A thunderstorm formed and is now moving over the Twin Cities. It is raining at this time.

10:35 PM: A very faint smoldering or burnt wood smoke is in the air. Light rain at this time.

11:00 PM: The thunderstorm and rain continues. Last check of the evening.

When I woke Sunday morning the air was cool and fresh. Finally, we can open the windows!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday 07/22/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood smoke this night. It was a warm day but I do not think it was hot enough to discourage burning and there was no rain in the forecast for the evening. The humidity was high and that made it feel hotter than it was which could have discouraged people from having bonfires. The temperature was 88 degrees at 6:30 PM. The air was hazy from the humidity. The temperature dropped to 81 degrees at 10 PM. The TV weatherman said the humidity made it feel like 89 degrees. Whatever the reason may have been for the lack of wood smoke this evening, it was nice to be able to sit outside and enjoy fresh air on a Friday evening. Fridays are usually smoky as hell in this town. We were blessed tonight.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday 07/21/2011 Air Pollution

The heat wave is over and the burning resumes. North St. Paul sucks! This city is a horrible place to live! If you are foolish enough to buy a home in this stupid city you will hate it, too! The asshole frequent burner in the area is burning again this evening after taking a break the past two weeks. Smoky air again! All the burning that would have normally happened the past several days but didn't because of high heat is going to happen this weekend. It is going to be smoky as hell in North St. Paul, MN!

The Silver Lake Splash event to raise money to staff the beach with lifeguards is this weekend at Silver Lake. Bring some wood with you and burn it in a grill.

4:20 PM: No smoke. 84 degrees and cloudy with low humidity. It is a beautiful day.

5:00 PM: No smoke.

6:00 PM: No smoke.

7:00 PM: No smoke.

8:30 PM: A very faint trace of wood smoke is in the air at this time.

8:40 PM: I discovered the pyromaniac frequent burner in the area is burning at this time. It isn't a bonfire, it isn't cooking, it's just burning for the sake of burning.

8:55 PM: Light wood smoke at this time. After this asshole is done burning the bonfires should start. The temperature is 79 degrees at this time. We should be able to open the windows tonight but can't because the air is smoky!

9:45 PM: A very faint trace of smoke lingers in the air.

10:00 PM: Very faint wood smoke at this time.

11:00 PM: No smoke.

When I woke after midnight there was no smoke in the air. It did not get as smoky as I thought it would.

Wednesday 07/20/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood or yard waste smoke tonight because of high heat. People don't burn when it gets this hot. The temperature at 5 PM was 96 degrees.

Tuesday 07/19/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood or yard waste smoke tonight. It was too hot for recreational bonfire or yard waste burning. The temperature at 5 PM was 94 degrees and it was very humid.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday 07/18/2011 Air Pollution

Minnesota is in the grips of a heat wave. The temperature at 4:30 PM was 98 degrees in the Twin Cities with humidity a little on the high side. I do not expect any yard waste burning or bonfires tonight because of the heat.

There was no wood or yard waste smoke tonight.

Sunday 07/17/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood smoke and no yard waste burning today. It was too hot for recreational burning. It was 91 degrees and cloudy with high humidity at 5 PM. There was a storm in the forecast but it didn't arrive until sometime in the early morning hours Monday.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday 07/16/2011 Air Pollution

It was a hot and humid day. The air was hazy from the moisture in the air all day long. North St. Paul experienced some flash flooding today because of heavy rain in the morning. The rain started sometime prior to 5 AM and the downpour lasted a few hours. This could have been the longest duration of heavy rain I have seen in my lifetime. Water was pooling in our yard because of the heavy rain and yesterday's rain that left the ground saturated. I was concerned that the basement would get water in it. It didn't. The roads around here did not flood. There was flooding in the area of McKnight and Highway 36 and I read that 12th Ave. flooded as well. Kare 11 reported that the water on McKnight under the Highway 36 bridge was as high as the tops of the cars that stalled. I have some links to news stories you can view with pictures and video.

Here is a picture of the defunct Tap & Grill restaurant parking lot flooded down by the North St. Paul Target store and the Postal Credit Union bank. That's from this Kare 11 story. Here is a Kare 11 and a KSTP story with some video from a helicopter of the flooded area of McKnight Rd. & Highway 36.

There was no wood or yard waste smoke today because of high heat and humidity. When it gets really hot there are not many people having bonfires. I could see somebody burning off in the distance this afternoon around 5:15 PM. The burner was producing a huge cloud of smoke that hung in the sky at tree level. None of the smoke made it down this way. I do not know what was being burned. Grills don't produce that much smoke. The temperature at 5PM was 91 degrees and it was very muggy. It was a good night for fresh air if you like it hot and humid.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday 07/15/2011 Air Pollution

There was a thunderstorm and heavy rain in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area during the late morning to early afternoon hours. The weather forecast calls for the possibility of a thunderstorm this evening. We are hoping for rain all night long so we can enjoy some unpolluted air tonight.

4:30 PM: No smoke. 73 degrees, cloudy, and very humid. A few drops of rain are starting to fall at this time. If we have any luck the rain will continue all evening preventing anyone from burning in this stupid city.

5:25 PM: No smoke. Rain drizzle at this time. The drizzle did not last long.

8:00 PM: No smoke. The drizzle ended a while ago.

There was no wood or yard waste burning this evening. The ground was wet and that must have discouraged bonfires. There was a storm in the forecast for sometime tonight but it didn't start until prior to 5 AM Sunday morning.

Thursday 07/14/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood smoke this evening. Not even a trace. A home not far from us was burning around 4:30 PM and was producing large amounts of smoke. I don't know what was being burned because none of the smoke came our direction and I was not in the mood to drive by it to find out. It was not grilling because a grill does not produce huge clouds of smoke like that. I feel sorry for the neighbors living around that home. Had the wind pattern been different, that smoke could have come toward us. It was 73 degrees and cloudy at 5:30 PM. There was no rain in the forecast for this evening. I guess you could say we got lucky tonight. The asshole frequent burner in the area has not burned for about a week now. Maybe they are out of town.

Wednesday 07/13/2011 Air Pollution

The air was very smoky after midnight this morning. It smelled like wood and possibly other types of waste were being burned. It did not smell like burning logs as much as it smelled like lumber for construction. I really cannot say what was being burned. I can say without any reservations that North St. Paul sucks!

1:30 AM: Moderate wood and possibly waste smoke at this time. The smoke is very heavy outside. Who the hell needs to burn at 1:30 AM Wednesday morning? Late night burning has not been as bad this year as it was in prior years. North St. Paul is a horrible place to live.

2:20 AM: Light wood and possibly waste smoke continues. I hate this city.

The air was fresh and clear when I got up later in the morning. Thank God.

5:20 PM: No smoke. 75 degrees and cloudy. There is rain in the forecast for after 11 PM tonight.

7:00 PM: No smoke, fresh air.

9:15 PM: Still no smoke yet.

9:40 PM: Very faint wood smoke at this time. This is North St. Paul. Somebody is burning in this shitty city almost every evening.

11:10 PM: A very faint trace of wood smoke lingers in the air. No chance of opening the windows tonight because we don't know how heavy it may get. Last night we had heavy wood smoke after midnight. Anyone around these parts who left their windows open last night woke to a house reeking of smoke.

The rain that was forecast for tonight never materialized. While we did not have much smoke, there was still smoke in the air as usual in this horrible city.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday 07/12/2011 Air Pollution

We were victims of some late night burning tonight. This is why we can never go to bed with the windows open in this horrible city.

5:00 PM: No smoke. Sunny and 78 degrees with nice breeze. A beautiful start to the evening. You could not ask for a nicer day than this. If we can only make it through the night without anyone burning anything......

6:15 PM: No smoke of any kind in the air. The air is wonderfully fresh. The windows are open with the breeze is flowing through the house.

8:10 PM: Still no smoke. 74 degrees.

10:35 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke at this time. North St. Paul sucks!

11:30 PM: Faint smoke varying with the breeze. No chance of leaving the windows open tonight.

The air was very smoky at 1:30 AM Wednesday morning. This is why we have come to hate North St. Paul.

Monday 07/11/2011 Air Pollution

5:02 PM: Faint wood smoke coming and going with the breeze. It did not last more than a few minutes. It's a little early for a bonfire. It could have been someone burning some wood to dispose of waste. There was no cooking odor associated with the wood smoke. 87 degrees and beautiful.

There was no more wood smoke tonight. The temperature at 9 or 10 PM was about 82 degrees which is not too hot for bonfire burning in this city. Other than a brief period of wood smoke earlier, this was a smoke-free evening. Close to a miracle in North St. Paul. We love that fresh, smoke-free air!

Sunday 07/10/2011 Air Pollution

5:20 PM: No smoke. Hot and muggy. 91 degrees. I did not notice any yard waste burning today when I stepped outside to check the air quality.

7:00 PM: No smoke.

8:45 PM: No smoke. 89 degrees, cloudy humid, with a storm moving in.

9:03 PM: Faint to light smoke that smells like burning tree branches much like we had had this past Friday. It did not last more than a few minutes. It was gone the next time I checked. The burning stopped or the wind shifted direction. It is common for people to burn yard waste as rain approaches.

9:15 PM: No smoke. Fresh air again.

9:45 PM: No smoke.

10:23 PM: No smoke. Storm sirens are sounding at this time. No rain yet.

10:50 PM: No smoke. Heavy rain at this time.

There was not much smoke pollution tonight. It was a little warm for recreational bonfire burning and the storm that was coming may have discouraged our local pyromaniacs from burning except for whoever did a little burning around 9 PM.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday 07/09/2011 Air Pollution

It was a normal smoky night in North St. Paul, MN.

5:15 PM: No smoke. 87 degrees, humid, and cloudy. I did not notice any yard waste burning today when I opened the door to check.

7:04 PM: No smoke. Cloudy.

8:30 PM: No smoke. The air is fresh.

9:00 PM: A faint something is in the air at this time. I do not know what it is. I'm not even sure if it is smoke.

10:15 PM: Light wood smoke at this time. This is North St. Paul. If the air isn't smoky, it is unusual. 82 degrees.

10:35 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke. Pretty smoky. If the air conditioning was not on, there is no way we could open the windows. North St. Paul sucks!

11:30 PM: Faint wood smoke continues. Last check of the night.

The air was fresh when I woke Sunday morning.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Friday 07/08/2011 Air Pollution

There was yard waste burning tonight. It did not seem like there were any bonfires upwind.

4:30 PM: No smoke. 88 degrees.

6:00 PM: No smoke. Fresh air.

7:00 PM: No smoke.

8:00 PM: No smoke.

9:00 PM: Light to moderate grass smoke. Somebody is illegally burning yard waste.

9:30 PM: Faint to light smoke from what smells like burning tree branches. This smoke is not being produced by logs in a bonfire. Not that it would be any better to have smoke pollution from chunks of tree. Unnecessary recreational air pollution is never good.

10:00 PM: Light to moderate smoke from what smells like burning tree branches continues. This is not normal bonfire wood that is being burned.

10:15 PM: Light to moderate smoke from earlier continues.

10:45 PM: Faint smoke of same type as earlier continues.

11:30 PM: There is a very faint smokiness in the air at this time. Last check of the evening.

The air was fresh when I woke Saturday morning.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Thursday 07/07/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood or yard waste smoke tonight. It was a miracle! It was not too hot for a bonfire and there was no rain to account for the absence of wood smoke. Once in a while we get lucky here in North St. Paul and get an evening of fresh air. This was one of those rare events. The temperature was 87 degrees at 4:45 PM with a mostly cloudy sky and a comfortable humidity of about 40%. The temperature at 10 PM was a nice 78 degrees, not too warm for a bonfire. But nobody upwind burned. It was nice to step outside and take a deep breath of fresh air! Smoke-free evenings like this should be the norm and not the exception.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday 07/06/2011 Air Pollution

It was a beautiful summer day. The evening is shaping up to be beautiful as well. Will there be wood smoke in the air tonight?

5:15 PM: No smoke. 86 degrees, sunny, just a beautiful day.

7:45 PM: No smoke. Loving that fresh air!

9:20 PM: Still no smoke yet.

10:00 PM: No smoke.

11:00 PM: No smoke. Fresh air. Going to bed.

When I woke after midnight there was a sulfur smell in the air. From tar or something. It was a little stronger than what we usually get from the roofing company downtown. But there was no wood smoke tonight. Not a trace of wood or yard waste smoke. We experienced a miracle. It was not too hot for bonfire burning and there was no rain to account for the absence of wood smoke. Fresh air on a night with no rain and without high heat does not happen often in North St. Paul, MN.

Tuesday 07/06/2011 Air Pollution

We had a brief rain sprinkle this evening part of a passing thunderstorm. There was a little yard waste burning ahead of the rain. This happens often in North St. Paul. The burners see the rain approaching and hurry up and burn their yard waste as it approaches.

5:00 PM: No smoke. Sunny, 87 degrees with storm clouds heading into the Twin Cities.

5:27 PM: Faint grass and what smells like wood smoke blowing in on the breeze at this time. It did not last long, not more than a few minutes. It is now cloudy with rain clouds overhead. The TV weather forecast calls for rain soon. Some yard waste burner probably saw the forecast and ran outside to burn some yard waste before the rain comes.

5:35 PM: No smoke. Fresh air.

6:15 PM: No smoke. There is a little thunder at around this time. No rain yet.

6:50 PM: No smoke.

7:30 PM: No smoke. It rained briefly prior between the last air quality check and now. The grass and pavement are all wet.

7:45 PM: No smoke. The sun is shining again.

9:00 PM: No smoke.

10:00 PM: No smoke.

I woke before midnight and the air was fresh and clear. Other than the little yard waste burning earlier, there was no smoke in the air this night. It did not rain much but it was enough to make the grass wet and could have discouraged the burning that would have happened normally from occurring. We will take fresh air any way we can get it in this town!

Monday 07/04/2011 Air Pollution

The Fourth of July holiday. Not much wood smoke tonight. But the air was filled with gunpowder smoke from fireworks.

5:00 PM: No smoke. 88 degrees and sunny. A beautiful summer day.

6:45 PM: No wood smoke. Grill smoke at this time. Grill smoke is not something we complain about because it does not happen much and does not last long. There is more smoke from grass burning in this neighborhood than there is from grilling food.

8:00 PM: No smoke. Fresh air.

9:50 PM: A very faint trace of some type of smoke is in the air. It is not strong enough to determine its type.

10:10 PM: A faint smoke of some type is in the air. I cannot determine what it is.

10:40 PM: Light gunpowder smoke from fireworks and possibly other type of smoke is in the air at this time. This is probably some of the heaviest gunpowder smoke I've ever experienced. There are people down the street shooting off illegal fireworks.

11:00 PM: Light gunpowder and what smells like wood smoke in the air at this time. This was the last check of the evening.

The air was fresh when I woke the next morning.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday 07/03/2011 Air Pollution

1:15 AM: Light to moderate wood smoke pollution continues from Saturday night's burning. No chance of opening the windows any time soon.

The air was fresh when I got up in the morning. Thankfully! In recent weekends the smokiness continued well after daybreak.

There was no yard waste burning today. Hard to believe! It was a beautiful summer day. When we reached 9 PM without any smoke pollution in the air I was hopeful we would have a smoke-free night. But it was not to be. Not in this city where the air is smoky almost every night when it isn't raining or very hot.

4:00 PM: No smoke. No yard waste burning yet. 87 degrees in North St. Paul.

6:30 PM: No smoke yet.

7:10 PM: No smoke. Enjoying that fresh air!

8:20 PM: No smoke.

9:00 PM: No smoke. The air is still wonderfully fresh.

9:45 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke. Naturally. Every night the air is smoky. It has been this way for years in this town.

10:30 PM: Light wood smoke continues.

Midnight: Light wood smoke. Last check of the night.

The air was fresh and smoke-free when I woke. There will be more wood smoke tonight and maybe some yard waste burning today as well. Polluted air is something you can count on in North St. Paul.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday 07/02/2011 Air Pollution

It is supposed to be a nice, sunny day with a high temperature around 84 degrees. With a lack of burning the prior two nights, tonight is going to be a smoky, polluted hell in North St. Paul, MN. Saturdays are usually smoky as hell in this town, so smoky you can't sit outside or open the windows because the air is too smoky to breathe. But this is the 4th of July weekend on top of it which will be even smokier than a normal Saturday. North St. Paul is a horrible place to live.

It was a picture perfect day and a beautiful evening that was ruined by smoky air as nice evenings usually are in this town. The burning started early this evening because of a frequent burner in the area and continued until well after midnight from bonfires. The smoke did not get as heavy as I thought it would. The air only got very smoky instead of the extremely smoky air I was expecting.

4:05 PM: Faint wood smoke coming and going with the breeze. The area frequent burner who burns four or five times a week is burning now. Fortunately for us most of the smoke is not coming our direction. After 45 minutes or so we no longer caught any of the smoke pollution for a while.

6:10 PM: No real wood smoke. Just smoke from a grill. Smoke from grilling food is not a nuisance like wood smoke is and we have never experienced smoke from a grill for 10 hours like we do all the time from bonfire burning. We get more smoke from burning yard waste in North St. Paul than we do from grilling! More people around here illegally burn yard waste than cook food on grills. It's a screwy town.

7:40 PM: Light wood and grass smoke at this time. Someone is burning yard waste with wood. Probably the frequent burner from earlier but I cannot be certain. He does that to mask his illegal yard waste burning as do others. People who do that start a bonfire then rake their grass clippings into it. Air polluters are sneaky around these parts.

8:15 PM: A very faint trace of smoke remains in the air.

9:00 PM: A very faint trace of smoke continues.

9:35 PM: The air is mostly clear at this time but is not fresh. There is some type of pollutant in it from burning.

Now the bonfires start as the sun goes down.

9:45 PM: Very faint wood smoke is in the air at this time.

10:00 PM: Faint wood smoke. The air is getting smokier.

10:40 PM: Light to moderate wood smoke. Smokier still.

11:30 PM: Moderate wood smoke. The air is very smoky at this time. As it usually is on Saturdays and like it often was during the week in years past. We are lucky two very smoky burners were foreclosed within the past year.

Midnight: Moderate wood smoke continues.

It is 74 degrees at midnight and it would be a nice night to shut off the air conditioning and open the windows to save a little money but we can't because the air is so damn smoky! North St. Paul sucks! The wood smoke pollution continued after midnight.

Friday 07/01/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood or yard waste smoke this evening due to heat and a thunderstorm. It was 97 degrees at 6:00 PM with a storm moving in. By 6:45 or so there was some strong winds and a big drop in temperature down to 77 degrees. I was worried that someone would burn tonight after the temperature dropped. Fortunately, we got some rain that put a damper on the wood burning. Around 8:25 PM it started raining heavily with a thunderstorm and the Ramsey County storm sirens were sounding. The downpour lasted only a few minutes then we had drizzle until around 9:30PM then the rain stopped. I was disappointed that the rain had ended because I feared someone would start a bonfire. Luckily for us and everyone around us nobody did.

Thursday 06/30/2011 Air Pollution

There was no wood smoke this evening. A miracle? No. It was too hot to burn. The temperature at 5:00 PM was 94 degrees and it felt a bit humid. The pyromaniacs who live in North St. Paul do not burn much when it gets this hot. When it is too hot or cold to have the windows open, nobody burns. When the temperature is mild enough to open the windows, the air is too polluted to leave the windows open in this screwy town!

Wednesday 06/26/2011 Air Pollution

There was a little wood smoke in the air again this evening. Can you believe it?

5:05 PM: No smoke, 85 degrees, breezy.

6:30 PM: No smoke.

8:40 PM: A very faint trace of wood smoke is in the air at this time.

10:00 PM: Faint wood smoke coming out of the south varying with the breeze.

No matter which way the wind blows, the air is almost always smoky in the evenings. North St. Paul sucks!

Tuesday 06/28/2011 Air Pollution

We got off pretty good this evening except for someone who did a little late night burning around midnight.

5:00 PM: No smoke. Sunny, 77 degrees, a beautiful day.

6:40 PM: Faint wood smoke for a few minutes then it was gone.

8:00 PM: No smoke.

I went out this evening and found two homes burning on Beam Ave. One was on the North St. Paul side and further down Beam there was a huge cloud of smoke in the middle of the street. I do not know if the burner was on the Maplewood or North St. Paul side. The smoke smelled like wood and garbage. But it could have been from some liquid leaked from a garbage truck as this is trash collection day in the neighborhood. There was also some faint wood smoke along the southern edge of Silver Lake around Charles St. Almost every time I go down by Silver Lake in the evenings there is wood smoke in the air.

9:00 PM: No smoke where we are.

10:00 PM: No smoke.

11:00 PM: No smoke.

Midnight: Someone burned a little something for a few minutes during this time. The windows were left open. Mistake. Every time we leave the windows open, which is not often because the air in the city of North St. Paul, MN, is so polluted, someone burns.

We are doing better this year because of two very smoky burners that were foreclosed. One was evicted June or July of last year and the other was evicted earlier this year I believe. The first one had one or two very smoky bonfires a week all summer long and the other burned from time to time. When the first home was foreclosed they left a pile of burnt wood in their firepit. Goodby and good riddance!

Monday 06/27/2011 Air Pollution

4:45 PM: No smoke. Windy, partly cloudy, 77 degrees.

6:00 PM: Light wood smoke at this time. There is always someone burning in North St. Paul.

8:00 PM: Faint to light wood smoke.

8:15 PM: Faint to light wood smoke.

There was not much more smoke this evening.